What is WHealth?

It took moving out of the house and living by myself to realize that meeting financial goals is really hard. Watching cash flow in and out of my bank account every month wasn't cutting it. Maintaining spreadsheets was a fine way to trace money, but I became frustrated trying to do that on the go. Hence, WHealth is designed for anyone needing to keep track of assets, watch spending, or meet financial goals.

Money is a stressor for almost everyone. Having the ability to set goals, then see how spending, earning, and acquisitions influences them is one step towards gaining control over its looming weight. We ought to treat our financial wellbeing more like our physical health! Make WHealth a heart rate monitor for your money. Install today and find out whether you're on track to meet your ideal financial future.

WHealth was built using .NET MAUI. The framework comes highly recommended for it's extensive documentation, clean principles, ease of multiplatform development, and foundation in C#.

Installation Guide

Installing WHealth is pretty straightforward.

  1. Download & Install Microsoft Visual Studio
  2. Clone this Github repository.
  3. Open the .sln file with Visual Studio.
  4. Enable USB debugging on your mobile device.*
  5. Connect your mobile device via USB and select it from the drop-down menu next to the green play button.*
  6. Click the green play button.

*Additional instructions to setup on mobile.